
Wegan Webcam Fun!

Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Eve (wherever you happen to be when reading this!)

Whit's currently on a plane back to Hawaii after enjoying a week home in KY. Sadly I didn't get to call her before she took off as I was at work (boo) & she won't arrive until I am asleep (boooo!!!) It will be so weird going back to the 11 hours time difference but oh well, I guess it's what we're used to most of all! Wish I could be lying out in the Hawaii sun in a mere few hours... So whats a girl to do on a Friday night in? (My bestfriend just popped round for dinner on her road trip back home).

Well when Whit & I are video calling, I often take funny screencaps & thought I'd enlighten you to a few, so enjoy! (Granted, Whit's FAR funnier than me, I forgot about myself being in the screen cap :p)





(Disclaimer: The above pics were actually taken when we were mucking about on webcam in the same room on our own comp/laptop! Haha!)


(This was only taken yesterday!)



(Wegan + my sisters mucking around on the webcam at Xmas)

M x