Today Was a Bad Day...
Wednesday 8 September 2010
bad day
Today was a bad day for Wegan... finally got the foreboding dreaded news we hoped we would not hear... that I was not going to be allowed any time off work to visit Whitney in October :( :( :( The thing is I've used pretty much all my annual leave up visiting Whitney, & was hoping I'd be able to make it up the 13 hours in extra time or unpaid leave.. but the verdict from the boss was it's not doable- we're going to be too busy apparently.
I was immediately distraught. This means no seeing each other until next year- & that's still a big IF for the next year. So really, this is BEYOND a bad day for Wegan. We had tried not to get our hopes up that we'd be reunited soon... but I couldn't help thinking about getting to see her new place, waking up next to her in her new room, meeting her new housemate & friends, meeting the cats (!!!!), laying out by the pool & going to the beach, feeling the sun on my body & the sand between my toes... Not least to mention feeling the touch of my girls kisses & hugs!! Utterly heartbreaking.
Some people don't know how we can do long distance for so long. Some people (perhaps those who have long forgotten what love is all about) think that we'll be together before we know it & what's a few months.... right?.. Wrong! But when life makes it hard for you to do the things you want to do.. At least you tried. At least we tried. We really did!
So with that, I leave you with a rather unusual sad post from Wegan.
I love you baby girl. I know we'll be worth the wait & together forever. But I can't stand to be away from my best friend, lover & soul mate <3
M x