
Top 5 Lesbian Mom Accounts To Follow!

It's no secret that we've been broody for kids... for years! So instead we have fulfilled our motherly needs with a cat and now a puppy (who literally is like a baby). However our maternal clock is still ticking and we'll be embarking on the journey to Wegan babies soon! (More about that another time). 

We feel like lately there are so many lesbian moms/ moms-to-be popping up all over instagram and YouTube and it makes us SO happy to see! There are so many wonderful families sharing their experience of what makes a family... LOVE! But also sharing the info we all want to know, like how to pick the right donor, how to conceive, who carries etc. AH! Do not fear, we've listed these 5 awesome accounts that you need to be following on instagram and binging on YouTube if you haven't already.

1. Living Rosa

Living Rosa are an adorable family of girls, who have documented the making of their family from the very start on YouTube! We highly recommend heading on over to their YouTube channel to binge their vlogs, all the way back to conceiving their first born Lennon up to their lives with twins as well! We've known these lovely ladies for years online but sadly haven't met yet in real life but we can't wait to get tips off them when we embark on our journey. 

Follow them on instagram and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

2. Team Two Moms

These awesome mom's have been sharing their lives for years on Youtube as momma's to their first born, Olivia and now they also have adorable twin 2 year old boys! Plus they're new to rocking the fashion world. 

Follow them on instagram and their Youtube Channel.

3. Marissa & Brittany

Marissa and Brittany have recently announced that they're pregnant and WE. CANNOT. WAIT! We have know Marissa online for years (again sadly not met IRL) and we're over the moon for her to be expecting with her wife. Catch up on their announcement videos and hearing the baby's heart beat STAT!
Follow Marissa & Brittany on Youtube and Marissa & Brittany on instagram. 

4. Raffinee

Raff shows you what its like bringing up three adorable two year olds with her beautiful wife. & no, they're not triplets & yes you're even more intrigued now! If you're planning on being a mom anytime soon, then Raff's your girl for advice. She covers topics on her instagram and blog such as how to choose a sperm donor and what it's like being the non-gestational mother. Raff is new to Youtube but you can go see her wedding video as well as found out how she met her wife.

Follow Raff on instagram and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

5. Daisy & Taylor

You literally won't believe the love story of how these two moms-to-be met and how the journey they've been through. They're pretty new to YouTube but have already covered topics such as how much it costs to get pregnant and how they picked their donor. All we gotta say is watch the below YouTube video for how they met and you'll be hooked. Also check out Daisy's instagram for seriously cute baby bump photo's!
Follow them on instagram and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

There are so many more amazing accounts out there, let us know your favs so we can go check them out and get even broodier for starting our own family!
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