
Want To Be A Featured Love Story?

Hey all,

So I've been thinking about the fact that we set up WWDN not only to bore you all with the journey of Wegan, but also to enlist a tiny spark of help/support/encouragement/reassurance to lesbians out there looking for love or anybody in long distance relationships. However clearly we're not the only couple like this, so I think it would be great to feature on here YOUR stories of love. Whether you're LGB/straight, in LDR or live together or down the road together. If you've got a love story to share, we want to hear it!

Are you a couple who have made it through the odds? Are you going through LDR or have you made it to the other side? Have you found your soul mate, your one & only?

I just think it'd be great to spread some more love & happiness through the world. <3

So if you want to be featured, please drop us an email with story & a pic (5 max) to (Or for those that 'know' me just pop me a message on facebook). I'll probably post a love story once a week.

I look forward to hearing from you!! :)

M x