First to be featured is a lovely couple who I enjoy reading about in their blog Wife and Wife. As you can guess, they are married (hurray!) and like us they first met online. So for all those out there who think they can't find love on the internet, or those who have found love in cyberspace but are yet to meet, listen up. Here is their story, living life as best friends & wife and wife:
Yang and I met online about 5 years ago. Wow can you believe it was actually before the time of myspace and facebook where people actually used chatrooms *gasp*! But anyway I had just gone through a terrible breakup and the last thing I was looking for was a girlfriend but that all changed when I met Yang. She sent me a message on blackplanet just wanting to be friends we sent a few notes back and forth and after never being online at the same time she asked to exchange numbers. I had no intention of calling lol but she decided to call me one night and we talked everyday there after. After about two weeks of talking non-stop Yang asked if my feelings about not wanting a girlfriend had changed and surprisingly they had unknowingly I had fallen for her. She asked me if I wanted to be her “girl” and I excitedly said yes.
About two weeks later I drove 3 hours to spend the weekend with her. This was our first time meeting in person and it was a really romantic weekend we went to dinner, walked on the beach and went shopping what more could a girl ask for!! A few weeks later Yang rode the greyhound bus to spend the weekend with me in Tampa. When it was time for her to go home I asked her to move in with me and about a month later she did. The day she moved in with me was our third time seeing each other in person and a few days after our 2 month dating anniversary so of course people thought we were crazy.
Everyone told us we needed to slow things down, get to know each other and not rush things but we didn’t agree. Five years later we’ve never broken up and are now happily married sometimes you just know when someone is right for you and I’m glad I knew she was the one for me.
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