Hello, I'm back with another installment of 'Megan's Gay Rights Roundup'... Slightly different title as I felt it more fitting as I tend to give you a round up of the latest news... but of course now & then a rant or two is thrown in ;)
Civil Unions in Hawaii!!
"For me, this bill represents equal rights for everyone in Hawaii and everyone who comes here. This is for me the essence of the aloha spirit."Firstly I have to, of course, start off with the fantastic news that civil unions have now passed in Hawaii as of 23rd February 2011. This has rightfully come after a lot of hard work from equality campaigners, especially when it was vetoed last year by Governor Lingle.
However this is the lovely Governor Abercrombie who signed the legislation. This is great news for so many gay couples in Hawaii, and for equality in general... not to mention a certain lesbian couple who plan to have a wonderful beach wedding in Hawaii one day ;) The bill does not come into effect until Jan 2012.
Amendments to Civil Partnerships UK
More good news took place in the UK with 'alli amendment' to Civil Partnerships, enabling them to be carried out in religious places. (Of course, the religious institution have to agree with this, they cannot be forced to).
The government are also in talks (well, hopefully some time soon) to extend marriage to same sex couples. Ben Summerskill (Stonewall) stated "If there’s a genuine commitment to making progress in this area, it is painfully slow."
LGBT History Month
"I would like to pay tribute to all those who give up their time to bring LGBT History Month together. Events like this enrich our society and challenge us to think more about the world around us." - David Cameron, 10th February, 2011
This month also marked LGBT History Month, which saw many different organisations, from the police to the sports world, focus on the histories of LGB people. The police stations in Wales even had the rainbow flag up for the month!
Born This Way
I'm sure that this cannot come as news to you that Lady Gaga's latest single is being hailed as a gay anthem, because you were born this way baby ;) There has been much criticism levelled at her, from exploiting gay people and the pink pound to ripping off Madonna. Personally, it didn't sound very 'Gaga' for me (I am a fan), but I am now hooked.
"No matter gay, straight or biJessie J 'Comes Out'
lesbian, transgendered life
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to survive"
Jessie J spoke out on twitter how she 'l.o.v.e's (see what I did there) boys AND girls. She stated the following:
"For all the people congratulating me on 'coming out' or confirming I'm 'bi' lol-I have NEVER hid my sexuality. The press just like to grasp anything and make it gossip or an exclusive *hype* I love who I love. I will never label my sexuality. If its a boy its a boy if its a girl its a girl. #simple #whoyouare #thereisaidit"It's good to see a female celeb being honest from the start about their sexual orientation. We don't have many out.. well I can't think of any openly bi/gay British female popstars?! (Unless you count Lady Soverign...)
Speaking of Jessie J, my sister and I did an impromptu mime of her song & I have dedicated it to my gorgeous girlfriend <3
That's it from me until the next time,
M x