Woops- we are so sorry that our weekly update is so late! Where is the time going?! We're half way through our time left in Hawaii, it's very scary to think the end of this chapter is near but at the same time also very exciting for what the future holds! We wish you a belated HAPPY EASTER and hope you had a lovely weekend.
WWDN Week #4:
The weather latey has been beyond beautiful, so we made sure that we made the most of it!
Wegan loves Waimanalo
We made sure we visited Waimanalo, our favourite beach, which looked absolutely stunning (& not windy this time!) We also witnessed a wedding which we always love to see. We try not to watch and invade too much but it's so hard not to witness the love!
We went round Whitney's cousin for her birthday dinner party thrown by her housemates. (It's Megan's birthday soon- 8th May!!)
We bought her a Starbucks card and delivered it in a cup
Shopping Spree!
We headed to Ala moana mall to work at Barnes & Nobles, but on the way we got a bit distracted...
What we bought:
Dinner Date
Whitney arranged for us to go on a dinner date to The Garlic House. This is a place we've always wanted to go to, we absolutely loved the look and vibe of the place but sadly the food was definitely not worth the price.
At the end of the week we re-visited Waimanalo as it was a super hot day.
We also had some Shave Ice- coconut, mango and lilikoi. YUM.
Sasharino Love:
Had to put this in as Megan is falling in love with the cat we live with... isn't he just SO cute?!
WWDN #5 coming to you sooner we promise!!
A hui hou
Wegan X
Wegan X