You know quite a lot about Wegan, but I thought I'd let you know a few things no-one knows apart from me...
Here are a few insights showing how good my girl is to me <3
Here are a few insights showing how good my girl is to me <3
- She tells me she loves me every few minutes
- She constantly asks 'marry me?' (um yes, I think we have that covered)
- If I have an itch she get stretches it for me saying "I got it!!"
- She tells me how pretty I am. Every. Single. Day.
- She rings me at work to tell me how much she misses me (a few times lol)
- She is very generous and always makes sure I don't go without.
- Exhibit A: our little shopping trip at Forever 21
- She recognises she needs to do more action than words sometimes & tries to be more romantic
- Exhibit B: these gorgeous flowers turned up the other day whilst she was at work. She told me to listen out for a package for her... I was so surprised!
- She freaks out if I'm in any pain, especially if something happens to my left hand.
- She thinks whatever I cook is the best thing she's ever eaten
- Even if I put weight on she says I'm perfect to her
- When she leaves work in the morning she says "stay cute & stay cosy" <3
- She calls me 'Biscuiiiiiit' & says that I look like a 'lizard' said like 'leeeeeezard'.
- Oh & she just popped in from work with a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte from me <3 <3
Yes, yes she is.
She doesn't know I'm doing this so - surprise baby!
I love you so much and appreciate every little thing you do for me.
Yours forever,
Megan xXx