Woo! What's this? Another new segment to WWDN? Yes, yes it is!! You may be able to guess what it's about from the header & title- Working It Out With Wegan! We've always wanted to kick our butts into shape and have dallied in exercise, hikes and gyms but never fully put our all into it. What girl doesn't want a great body? Some people say we have great 'beach bodies' but hey, it's all about the angle ;) Most girls are never truly happy with their body, Wegan definitely fall into that category. For the majority of the time though we just get on with things and make the most of what we've got.

I (Megan) have always been unhappy about my thighs and mainly LOVE HANDLES. Whitney has a great stomach (but of course she has other areas she does not like). For once & all I have decided that I may as well try my hardest to get the 'perfect body' (for my mind). I don't believe in dieting and getting skinny, I want to work out and choose a more healthy life style. Of course Whitney will be doing it with me, but lucky me I currently have days off so I will be getting a head start.
We look forward to us all sharing on this journey! & with winter and Christmas coming up... we have a hell of a journey ahead ;) We will do a proper post about this later this week but thought I'd give you a heads up.
I (Megan) have always been unhappy about my thighs and mainly LOVE HANDLES. Whitney has a great stomach (but of course she has other areas she does not like). For once & all I have decided that I may as well try my hardest to get the 'perfect body' (for my mind). I don't believe in dieting and getting skinny, I want to work out and choose a more healthy life style. Of course Whitney will be doing it with me, but lucky me I currently have days off so I will be getting a head start.
This is where this segment comes in, we want to share what we are doing, our highs & lows and have in put from YOU! We'd love for you to join in on our journey, whether it's just support, giving us tips or working it out along side us! Plus, we really need recommendations for healthy meals.
We look forward to us all sharing on this journey! & with winter and Christmas coming up... we have a hell of a journey ahead ;) We will do a proper post about this later this week but thought I'd give you a heads up.
Social Spark
Also, I'm sure you have noticed our latest Social Spark posts. We don't want to spam you or annoy you with them so I thought I should explain a little bit about it. Social spark is this great site that recognises the great outlet of blogs and marries this with organisational campaigns. Basically you get paid to spread the word about a product that you like! Awesome right? We'd never blog about anything we weren't into or think you wouldn't like. As I'm currently unemployed it's a great way to earn a little bit of income monthly.

Now i'm sure some of you are wondering why you haven't heard of this sooner and signed up! go ahead, do it!! Click here to sign up!!
Tumblr Tuesday
Well woops I forgot it was tuesday already! Where does the time go?
All images are from our tumblr blog. Follow us if you aren't already!!