Since being home I have visited my younger sister who now studying in Brighton and it was my other sister's birthday this week. Whitney has also had her two best friends from home visit her, so in the run up to Christmas things are pretty busy! Can you believe Christmas is so soon??

What pics do you like the best? Plus who likes the new header for Tumblr Tuesday? All images from our tumblr.
Hope you haven't missed us tooooo much (but you best had a little bit ;)) Here's what we've got planned for WWDN...
(Megan is a taurus- very true!)
Hope you haven't missed us tooooo much (but you best had a little bit ;)) Here's what we've got planned for WWDN...
Up Coming Posts On WWDN:
- WWDN Final Installment of SC
- Love Stories
- Real Life Lesbian Interview
- Reviews by Wegan
We also could not post without including Secretar Hilary Clintons phenonemal gay rights speech:
"Gay Rights Are Human Rights, & Human Rights Are Gay Rights"