High In The Sky + Huffington Article
Friday, 6 April 2012
Hello my lovelies,
As you are reading this I am high in the sky on my way to my girl and I'll either be 1) watching a film 2) reading Mockingjay on my kindle 3) asleep lol. I'll in North Carolina after 3pm (8pm for UK people). I'm then catching a quick flight to SC to save them the drive. So I should be with my girlie as on 6pm (11pm for UK). Please do think of us :) Can't WAIT to see my baby, hug and kiss her.. and of course nurse her well!!
My second article for the Huffington Post has gone live today. It is entitled 'The Assumption of Heterosexuality When You're a Feminine Lesbian' please go read & let me know your thoghts (& leave a comment on the article too!) Interesting responses so far...
Blog to you next as 'Wegan!'
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