Long Distance Loving: The Journey
Monday, 14 May 2012
long distance,
long distance loving,
long distance relationship,
what wegan did next
Long Distance Loving
The Journey
As you're well aware, Whitney and I have been doing long distance coming up to nearly 4 years! Yes, it has been THAT long! Starting out our relationship we really had NO clue what we had in store for us. Whilst this blog has detailed a lot of the ups and downs of us doing long distance, I think it's about time we tell you what it's REALLY like doing long distance loving. We will therefore be bringing you a series of blog posts.. and what better place to start then to tell you the journey. A re-fresher course to those who have followed us diligently, or those newbies looking to catch up.
The Beginning
A little background intro...
We met on Myspace with Whitney all the way from Hawaii finding Megan in the UK. They started chatting with no real plan to ever meet. (Whitney remembers being frustrated at me not replying much on MSN and then when we met realised how I leave it on when I'm not in the room haha). Whitney went to study abroad in France in the summer of 2008. We tried to plan to meet in Paris originally however I did not have the funds. So we left it until Whitney was moving over to study abroad in London in Septemer 2008. We met on 20th September 2008 and instantly hit it off. We ended up drinking a lot due to nerves haha. We went out in London with my friend Nik Thakkar who introduced us to Lady Gaga tunes. We were asked by his friend how long we had been together as we were a cute couple! haha. I had just started to hold her hand :) Later on we shared our first kiss, and the rest of that night is history... Fast forward to two weeks time and Whitney travelled to Cardiff to meet Megan where she was at University. We laugh at the fact Megan was clueless to what a big deal this was for Whitney to travel on buses and trains to get to her as she hadn't grown up with it like Megan (awww too cute). She also didn't eat much of the first meal Megan cooked due to being nervous haha. After that weekend we agreed to be exclusive and officially together. For the next few weeks we met up for the weekend at London or Cardiff. Then came the time to depart. The funny this is we had never really discussed if doing LONG distance was a good idea or if it was even going to work. It just WAS. We had agreed that I would go to visit Whitney in Hawaii in a few months time, and truly had no idea what heart ache would lie ahead.
Along came March 2009 when Megan flew out to Hawaii (very pale) to join Whitney in her homeland for three glorious weeks of sun and love. Whitney even splashed out and got us a room at Turtle Bay (Forgetting Sarah Marshall!) We grew closer and closer over the weeks and Whitney insists this departure was the worst for her. She remembers dropping me off at the airport and returning to the car to finding my bottle there are just bawling.
Later on in 2009 Whitney came to visit me in the UK where we split out time in between Cardiff, London and France for three weeks!
Fast forward to October 2009, and I was back out visiting my girl and soaking up the Hawaiian culture and soon. It also marked our 1 year anniversary!
Shortly after that Whitney came over to the UK to celebrate Christmas and New Years and Megan with her family.
Welcome to 2010!
Oh what a surprise, it's March/ April 2010 and I'm back in Hawaii for the 3rd time for 3 weeks!! This trip marked our 1 year and a half and Whitney surprised me with my 'engaged to be engaged' ring (which I still wear & love).
We then spent the longest time together that we hand yet when Whitney came to the UK for three months for the summer. This is the first time that we had managed to celebrate a birthday together, which was Whitney's 22nd birthday on 10th June! We sent pretty much 24/7 together which just reconfirmed how we love being together (and hate being apart!) We spent time in Cardiff, Cornwall, Portsmouth, London, Windsor and France.
October 2010 came around and another trip for Megan to Hawaii! This time it was a mere 12 days!! Our highlight was going on the Sunset Cruise in Hawaii, just stunning!
Back to another Christmas time in the UK and Whitney came over for New Years Eve and we enjoyed the festivities of being snuggled up in the cold, we even did ice skating.
Welcome 2011!!
This is the year that Megan moved out to Hawaii for three months and officially left her life in Hawaii.
One of our weekly vlogs..
We got up to so much that it's rather hard to sum it all up so I'll stick with the big things...
We celebrated for the first time Megan's birthday together as she turned 24!
Whitney graduated from Hawaii!!
We of course got engaged on 17th May 2011!
If you haven't watched the video yet click here.
Also we got the bad news that deterred our plans of saying good bye to long distance and hello to living life together.. the dreaded refusal of the visa!! As you know we are in the process of re-applying and shall update you fully once we know anything more.
Before Megan sadly had to leave Whitney once more, we took a trip to South Carolina for the first time! Little did Megan know how many times she would end up coming out to SC...
In July...
In August...
Then October - December...
By this point we were now celebrating our 3 years of being together! & boy had we endured some longggg distance!
Christmas and New Years came and went without us celebrating it together for the first time.. but then we got the great news that Whitney's visitor visa had been granted and so she came over for a month at the end of January where as you know we celebrated Valentines in Paris.
Most recently Megan visited Whitney in South Carolina in April due to Whitney have surgery.
There you have it, almost four years of LONG distance, a ridiculous amount of miles travelled and beds shared together and slept in apart.
As we come up to hopefully what truly WILL be the END of long distance it's time to reminisce long and hard about what pulling through against the odds has truly meant for Wegan.
Now that the journey of Wegan has been re-capped, we'll be bringing you all the other details that go with traveling- the longing, the traveling, the money, the good & the bad.. Everything!!
Got a question/ topic you want to see featured about long distance loving?
Pop it in the comments and we'll try to answer them!
A lot of our posts throughout the years can be found by clicking here. Of course you can waste a lot of your time just going back through all of the posts! on the blog to see what we got up to in more detail. haha.
P.S Please follow us on twitter @whatwegandid , subscribe to us on youtube, & 'like' us on facebook!