Long over due, and just before we all put Christmas out of minds until the end of this year, here's a run down of what we did this Christmas- including Whitney's mother visiting the UK for the very first time!!
We started off our Winter festivities with our friends Sarah and Danielle by heading off to Winter Wonderland in London, Hyde Park. This was the first time we had been, and we were expecting to be surrounded by a ridiculous amount of people. London around Xmas time sure is crazy!
We popped to Oxford street and then onto Winter Wonderland. We had a great time wondering around, drinking mulled wine followed by a litre of beer in the German garden!
It was a great day, Danielle and I were brave and joined Sarah and Whitney on a (small but scary) roller coaster (screamed so much my throat then hurt!) & I even managed to convince Whitney to ride a bucking bull. Hilarious!! We enjoyed a yummy dinner at a fantastic modern take on Mexican food, Wahaca's followed by Yo Sushi the next day.
Christmas this year was guaranteed to be special, not only was it the first one we had shared together for years AND living in our own home together. It marked the first time that Whitney's mum had finally visited the UK! At first it was very surreal to have her here, and we couldn't wait for her to experience the life that we lead. Turns out that she loves the English culture (we knew she would), she enjoyed sampling beers in pubs and thought that Ploughmans and fish and chips were amazing! It's great witnessing someone experiencing things for the first time, even if its a pickled onion!! Adorable.
For Whit's mum's first day 'Momma Kelly' as I call her, we headed to London for her to see the sights (not that she got to see much in the Christmas crush) and for her to get Whitney's xmas present- a Louis Vuitton bag! Turns out it's cheaper for her to buy it here than in America!
We had dinner at the restaurant at Harvey Nichols, the Season. To be honest we headed there for the cocktail time but it was time to eat. The best part was the champagne cocktail with edible glitter! "Nutcracker Fizz"!
There afters we spent a lot of time visiting my family and Momma Kelly got on with my parents like a house on fire! Just like we knew they would!
Whitney driving in the UK- Uh Oh! Her mum preferred my driving ;)
Then came Christmas day! For the first time in my life, I did not wake up at my family home. Instead we woke up at Wegan Manor, and Momma Kelly had laid out our stockings and presents beautifully.. or should I say santa did ;) I was a very lucky lady and treated very generously by Whitney and her mum with a long champ bag, ray bans uggs and hunters!! Best xmas yet!
My wife looking gorgeous with her new Louis Vuitton bag!
After opening presents and having breakfast, we headed over to my parents house for Christmas dinner and to be surrounded by family. It was truly a great Christmas!
With sisters Lauren and Bethany.
Sister in laws!
Cousins and in-laws!
Coffee machine from my parents!
Then the funniest thing EVER happened. We all suddenly noticed a burning smell.. SOMETHING WAS ON FIRE!! We were all checking the oven and looking around... It dawned on me that it smelt like burnt hair so I thought a strand had fallen onto the hob and had caught alight. Then Whitney was trying to get my attention and grabbed me whispering "It was my hair!! My hair was on fire!!" Oh my goodness!! Whitney had lent back with a glass of champagne and caught her beautiful gold locks in fire!! Her mum had noticed and dragged her upstairs to the bathroom to get rid of the FLAMES! We were all in hysterics, as luckily Whitney and her hair were totally fine.. if just a bit burnt and smelly!! So learn your lesson there folks.. Keep long hair away from candles!!
Spot the burnt ends!
Still smiling!
I managed to also complete a very impossible task this xmas.. surprise Whitney!! I had offered this Chanel print she had been wanting for a while, as well as a gold frame to go with it and managed to hide it all from Whitney! Phew! She was very surprised and VERY happy.
We then had a lovely Boxing Day and ate more until our stomachs were content!
Whitney's mum's last full day was the day after Boxing Day, so we decided to drive her around to see some sights. We took her to the quaint village Bray and we ate at the Hinds Head (owned by Chef Heston Blumenthal). We decided we didn't like the look of any of the main dishes so we just order starters, which were rather yummy.
We loved the bathrooms!
We then wanted to show Kelly Danesfield house, the place where we celebrated our Civil Partnership as she could not be there (though she will be for the Wegging!) It was surreal and lovely to return, exactly three months later on as wife and wife! Kelly had her first experience of Afternoon Tea, and needless to say she loved it!
Re-inacting... or not quite! haha.
Before we knew it, it was sadly time to say goodbye. We had the most lovely week with her here, and a great bonding time for her & I! Next we will visit her in America in March / April and we can't wait to get our feet on American soil!
We welcomed the New Year in with my family, and look forward to what this year has in store!
Hope you enjoyed our round up of our Christmas break and that you had a fantastic one as well!!
Comment if you made it to the end of this long arse post ;) HAHA.