Bet you've all been wondering for the passed couple of weeks: what the hell have Wegan been up to? Actually, I bet that hasn't crossed anyone's mind but we'll tell you anyways :p
What Wegan Did Next:
We finished our last update with Bank Holiday Monday, we ended up having a really nice day visiting St. Fagans (or St. Faggots as Whit likes to call it haha). This is a National History Museum (open air) about Welsh culture. Though the main thing Whit learnt was how to do a daisy chain lol.
The following weekend we went to Portsmouth to visit my sister, who is about to graduate so really was our last chance to go there.
The train journey there was & delayed by an hour, we were also on an old train with no air conditioning & it was hot as hell. AH! This is one way we amused ourselves haha:
We had a really good time, firstly a night of drunken antics (which involved Whit squeezing her feet into heels and her little toe nail fa ling off the next day! OMG!.. My sister & I found it very amusing, so evil I know!)
We then spent the rest of the weekend chillaxing- picnic in the park, Japanese meal out (x 2), and a wonder around Portsmouth. It was the first time Whit had seen the English coast (trying to make sure Whit sees more of the UK as due to us getting together when she arrived for her semester in London in 2008, she visited me in Cardiff instead of the trips around the UK that her uni had organised and she had paid for.. woops!)
The past few days we have spent celebrating the momentous occasion of Whitney's birth! We spent her actual birthday together, mainly involving treating ourselves to coffee, food and shopping! The next day we went to TGI's to have a true American style bday in the UK with my friends! Whitney deffo got her fix of meat (I'm a vegetarian so she mainly eats the same as me). Anyhoo, Whit will do a full update about her bday antics for you one day soon :)
Yesterday we went to my boss' surprise 50th bday party which was pretty cool as have never actually been involved in a surprise party- & also meant a free bar! Woot! Today we haven't done anything adventurous apart from frequent our favourite coffee place: Coffee#1 (y'all should try it if you can!) Tonight we're going to continuing chillaxing with a bottle of wine & watch 'The Edge of Love'.
Apologies that this is not a very exciting update or well written- my brain is dead today (I blame the alcohol...)
M x