
Wegan's Top Tips For Long Distance!

Well it's about time that Wegan, as a clear example of how to make a long distance relationship (LDR) not only survive but work, should put out there our top tips to those embarking on a LDR or trying to make one work. We don't claim it's easy or that bumps don't come along the road. But if you truly love each other, it's worth every mile apart in order to be together again.

Wegan's Top Tip For LDR

1) Make sure you both love each other enough to make it work. If you're starting out on an LDR, you both have to want to put in the same amount of effort for it to work. It won’t work if the effort is all one sided.

2) Don't listen to the haters who think it won't work or last. They just simply haven't found anyone they love enough that they couldn't live without, even if it meant living apart for a while.

3) Make sure that despite being apart you're still involved in each other's lives; even down to the boring mundane details. It makes you stay connected.

4) Keep in contact. Constantly! Utilise the internet, it's the making of LDR!

5) Facebook is a great tool to keep each other updated in each others lives, we message on it constantly in our own threads (which are 1000's of message long, facebook had to branch our latest thread haha woops). You also get to keep in contact with what each others friends & family are up to, so you don't have to miss out.

6) Webcam when as much as you can (I know LDR can make it super hard due to time differences). Being able to actually see each other is one of the greatest blessings of the internet. If you can't webcam together, record a video for one another and send it to their mailbox (

7) Fixing a date for the next time you will be together helps, A LOT! This keeps you going just by the simple thought that you're reassured you'll be in each others arms again. Even if it's months down the line!

8) Do not stress each other out to see each other! We've learnt this the hard way, whilst a date does help, constantly trying to push for one when it just cannot happen does not. When you're both leading busy lives means it's not always down to the individual no matter how much you want to see each other. Leading different lives means there are constraints you cannot control. Accept it!

9) Trust each other. Being far apart (no matter if it's two hours in the same country, or half way round the world) is always hard. A relationship won’t work without trust, and will always be a fall down if one does not fully trust the other.

10) Capturing memories when you're together keeps you going & reminds you how you are when you're together. We looooove our pictures, which is a great way to remind you of the small and great experiences you've shared together. Videos are also great for that (though doesn't help Whit hates me filming haha, she appreciates it when we're apart).

11) If you're in different countries, look to see if who your phone contract with encompasses international calling or texts (t-mobile does in the UK), or if you can add an international bundle for a small price a month that gives you international calling minutes for example. Whilst webcamming is great, it's not the best if you're out & about or away from internet, and you just want to hear your lovers voice or get their opinion on something you're buying!

12) Most importantly, keep that love alive. Expressing how much you love each other in text always helps, as it does of course on the phone or over webcam. Being long distance has it's advantages of reverting back to the good old days of letter writing, there's nothing like receiving a package from your loved one!

That's it for now! Let us know your thoughts on this, and if you have any top tips to add, please share! :)

Wegan x