Change is inevitable in life and thus far the biggest change had been moving to Cardiff at the age of 18, and now it is embarking on a new adventure at the age of 23. I cannot believe I've actually been in Cardiff so long, I've grown and changed so much and created some fond memories along the way. Friends have come and gone, and the best have stayed. I'm sad to say farewell but I know I will see them again soon, true friends never leave.
I'm devastated that I had to leave my Benny boy behind (his owner has moved away but as Benny has lived in the flats for 9 years he doesn't want to move him). The worst thing is he doesn't understand, I can't explain to him to no longer wait at the window for me when I get in from work, or that my bed/sofa will no longer be his place to sleep. I just home the person who occupys my flat is a cat person! Benny may end up living with me in the future though once I've returned so I guess just wait and see!
Heres a run through 2005- 2011 in pictures. Warning, it's long! Look out for my many hair styles ;)
Dean: AKA Deen, my gay boyfriend <3
Nic: Aka Nicole & Paris
DHC: Aka Desperate Housewives Crew, Nic, Dean & me!
Parish: Aka my best straight girl friend- 'favourite homophobe'
Whitney's Visits to Cardiff (2008-2011):
Sisters Visiting:
My Many Beloved Gays:
Char AKA Fellow Sociologist:
The Trio: AKA Kathryn, Katie & I