Hello Everyone! Surprise, it’s Whitney here for once! I thought it was about time for me to blog as it’s been awhile. Don’t think I’m neglecting all of you lovely readers; I’ve just been SOOO busy with work lately that I have not had a chance to do a proper post. So please accept my apologies there.
A small recap of what has been going on with me is pretty much just working loads in order to save money for Megan and I to reapply for our visa. We plan on reapplying soon and I am praying that I will be touching down in the UK around October! (Please everyone keep your fingers crossed for us!)
I’m sure judging by the title of this post you can already tell this is about the reality of long distance. We often post many positives and appear to always be fine and dandy. While, yes, that is very much true at times, but there is also a daunting reality of when things are actually flat out horrible. Today was not a very good day for Wegan as we had a major fight that resulted in hurtful words, tears and a throbbing heart. Therefore, this is what has inspired me to do this post. We of course made up as we very rarely go to bed on a bad note, but we both can’t help but feel a bit damaged as due to the gap in distance there is no way possible to give each other a simple hug and kiss. That tends to make everything okay and not so bad. However, we are left with solely our words to mend our hearts again, bearing in mind that it was our words in general that caused the argument! Lol.
I am to the point now where I absolutely HAAATE long distance with a passion, it makes me very miserable. It definitely creates more problems and heightens things that would not really be an issue and turns into a very bad argument. Next month will be our 3 year anniversary and I am so ready to retire LD and just be a normal happy couple.
Our current issue right now is jealousy! It is the route of all evil in any relationship, ESPECIALLY one that is very long distance like us. It is, however, inevitable in our case to have this tendency. You see our problem is we both tend to be jealous, but I cannot keep my feelings towards it in and blurt it out immediately that I am not okay with something. This tends to happen quite a lot lately and it’s just really putting a strain on our relationship. Whereas Megan does feel symptoms of jealousy, she keeps it to herself. As the months/years of long distance has gone on, I have managed to somehow adopt this horrible trait that I can’t seem to keep in. I would not be so much this way if we did not have an ocean between us! Fair enough we are going to hang out with new people, however, the not knowing who your partner is hanging out with can make anyone’s stomach turn a bit. It is the unknown and uncertainty. This is where trust comes in, but no matter how much you may trust someone, it is hard at times to kick your jealousy.
We love each other so much that it is ridiculous and that is why we are still together. Unfortunately every couple has to go through rough patches as it only makes the relationship stronger. For the past year, we have had our fair share of ups and downs but we have managed to overcome it. It is all about communicating with your partner and being honest. There is nothing about each other we do not know, it’s all out in the open, which is actually a good thing. We now just have to learn how to organize it and figure out what to do with our issues that we may have. When we're having a rough patch, I take a step back and realize that all of our arguments are derived from love. When you love hard, you better believe that you’re going to fight hard and hurt hard. We are just having a hard time with the distance and it’s getting the best of our relationship. We just have to stick together, work it out as we do have big plans for our future.
I love Megan more than anything and I always will. She is such a blessing in my life and I am so grateful every day for her. I cannot wait to one day be her wife, have children and a cat! I have never loved anyone so much and I will do anything in the world for her. She’s my everything and I anxiously wait the day we are reunited.
So, while we may appear to be the perfect couple, we are not, we have problems just like any other couple. However, we realize that we do above all.... have something very special and rare and neither of us are about to throw it away. Anything worth having, takes some work sometimes and believe us, we’re working very hard. We know that we are meant to be together and true soul mates, though you have to go through tough times in any aspect of life in order to appreciate the good times and to add strength and wisdom. That is a fact.
With that being said, I just wanted to share with you all a bit of reality about us and if anyone out there can relate please do let us know how you are feeling!
P.S Don't forget to follow us on twitter: @whatwegandid & subscribe to us on youtube