No doubt the picture will circulate for years symbolising a change in time towards equality. Plus, how damn cute?? Read more here.
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Adam Lambert in Fight with Boyfriend
With Adam's new song released this week there are rumours it is a publicity stunt. What do you think? The song is about fights with loved ones but ultimately that they couldn't be without each other.
"I sometimes lose my temper, and cross the line. That's tthe truth. I know it gets hard sometimes, but I could never leave your side no matter what I say"
Take a listen to the song here:
(I personally am a fan of Adam, and love his new song).
Where's the Aloha Hawaii?
Aloha Bed & Breakfast in Hawaii are currently being sued by two lesbians (pictured above). In 2007 they tried to book a room but were denied due to their sexual orientation. The B&B is in Hawaii Kai, where Whitney & I were actually living. Nice to know we had some homophobic neighbours near by! Luckily Hawaii is one out of 21 states that has a law that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation by those who provide accomodation. Good luck ladies! To read more go here.
Football matches in the UK are well known for football hoolaganism and homohobic slurs. It is only recently that homophobia at football matches has finally started to be duly tackled. One man was given a three year ban and a fine (read here), and another had been given a caution (read here). Now football stewards are wearing head cameras to catch those who shout any homophobic taunts (read here). This is a positive step forward towards eradicating homophoba as being synonymous with football. However, the biggest change will be achieved when closted footballers finally take the brave step to come out.
3 more days until Christmas!!!
P.s who likes the new lilac look and pictures to the left side of the blog?? :)