
1 Week Until Big Small Day!!

1 Week Until Big Small Day!!

Time is flying by. It is very surreal to think this time next week we will be officially 'married'. (I am so grateful that the UK has civil partnerships, but I do hate we cannot call it a marriage). It is rather funny to think that today is just like an other Friday, I went to work and Whitney got to lie in. However waking up next Friday is going to be VERY different!! We can't really even comprehend how we're going to be feeling that day... As we haven't had the crazy amounts of planning that you associate with a wedding (though it's still been stressful!) its very surreal that we are soon to be exchanging rings in a matter of days.

It's funny thinking back. Originally we had decided we would have a VERY small ceremony with just two witnesses and not even announce it. That way we could still plan the BIG day for 2014 without any of the special planning already having been done. However we're really glad that we changed our minds. We now have a total of 20 of us attending (select few close family and friends), and we are looking forward to celebrating in Wegan style afterwards.

We have our Victoria Secret bridal dressing gowns, our dresses, heels and wedding bands all ready to go. 

1 week- here we come!!!

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