
RIP DOMA! Victorious Day!!

Today will go down in history. 

The news that we have all been waiting for is finally hear, and it definitely is music to our ears!! DOMA (The Defense Against Marriage Act) has been struck down by the Supreme Court. This is a massive victory for American LGBT rights, it now means that married gay couples are legally recognised with rights and benefits under Federal Law. LGBT families are now protected. We are no longer viewed as second-class citizens. This does not mean that marriage is legal in all states; it is still only legal in 12 (now 13!) states. Questions is- does this apply to immigration rights of bi-national couples?.. YES! Until now, many couples like Whitney and I have never had the option to move to America with her sponsoring me as her wife. We can now get sposored for a green card! There is a bunch of information flying around the internet at the moment, so we advise you go to the experts. The best article we have read so far is by Immigration Equality- go read now!

We’re still trying to gather all the information we can, and figure out what this means for us as a bi-national couple not living in the states that have gay marriage. It appears that as long as you marriage is valid from whatever state OR country that you have it in, then your partner can sponsor you for a green card! HOORAY!! We are beyond ecstatic that DOMA has been ruled unconstitutional- about bloody time! It means that we now have a choice of where we can live. One day, maybe we will relocate to America!

There has also been a second great victory in America today, with the over turn of Prop 8 which banned gay marriage in California. It is now legal again!! Congrats Ellen and Portia, and the many gay couples who were married and who are going to get married!!

I think it’s time for champagne, don’t you?

Cheers to Equality in America!

We were invited by Youtube to take part in their 'Proud to Love' campaign, so check it out and let us know- what or who are you proud to love?

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