We're busy working on our visit to the South blog post, but in the mean time we thought we'd bring you semi-up to date with some of our videos starting from Xmas through to Valentines day! Witness Whitney's hair getting caught on fire and Whitney flexing her muscles in more arm wrestling! Let us know what are your favourite parts? I particularly love "I LOVE WHAT I MADE" and Rich Tea Dance Time! Haha.
Last weekend we had our first ever follower come up to us and say hi! We were so pleasantly surprised, and even more so considering she is from Italy and was visiting the UK for just 4 days! She asked us to do more videos, and we're trying to do just that! I'm busy trying to catch up on all of our videos so that we can be up-to-date. Our next videos will be when we met the lovely Luclyn AKA Lucy & Kaelyn, as well as Rose & Rosie!
“We fall victim to heteronormativity
and heterosexism: the notion that heterosexuality is the preferred
and normal sexual orientation. We are presumed to be heterosexual by
both communities, which leads to the feeling that we don’t belong
to either,” Evans told AlterNet.
I was also interviewed for a brilliant article on AlterNet to do with Femme Visibility, Lesbian Myths Debunked is worth a read, and not just because I'm featured in it! Honest!
Awareness towards gay bi-national couples and our plight to gain immigration rights in America rose this week when a video about David and Jason's story went viral.
Relating to their story 100% we reached out to them, as well as writing an article on the Huffington Post. Thank You David & Jason- From one same-sex bi-national couple to another.
"Being in a binational, and
long-distance, relationship is never going to be easy. But we should
be afforded the same rights as any straight binational couple, to be
recognized as wife and wife, or husband and husband, in David and
Jason's case. It's not fair that we only have the maximum of 90 days
that we could ever spend together in America. We all deserve a
lifetime." Megan Evans, Gay Voices, Huffington Post
It's not all me, me, me! Whitney has finally written another blog post on her Whit's Critiques blog. You know how much we love Starbucks right? Well imagine how upset Whitney gets when her Starbucks is done WRONG! I wish I could film her reaction, I really do! For now, read Whitney's critiques of what she thinks Starbucks UK needs to do!.. you will also die at the amount of $$$ Whitney has spent on Starbucks! Start guessing...