Well... since it seems quite a few of you know will be working from home, we thought we'd share some of our working from home tips. We quit our full time jobs in August 2017 and have been working for ourselves from home ever since. Here's a few tips we've learned along the way:
1. Make a space for you to work in
If you have a spare room that you can use as an office, then that's great as you can keep home and work life more separate. However, if you don't (like us) then just make sure you have somewhere you feel comfortable to work. We have a desk set up for Megan's iMac (as she spends a lot of time editing videos). Whereas Whitney alternates on the laptop from the dining room and couch. A lot of people will say "don't work from the sofa" but from time to time, if that's what you want to do.. then do it! Of course it's not good long term for your back. Try to use a pillow or food tray to rest your laptop. We're currently turning our spare room into an office / filming studio. If you have an area in your house that you can add a desk to, this will help. Looks like y'all may be working from home for a while! This desk from Wayfair is only £44.99 and Homesense often have great office pieces, desks and computer chairs for good prices.
2. Work to your own hours
Obviously we set our own hours but if your company lets you work core around hours (normally 10am - 4pm) and you're not a morning person (like us) then take this time to have bit of a lie in and a good breakfast before you get started. We always start our day with a super tasty and meaningful breakfast (such as smashed avocado on sourdough toast with a fried egg and seeds) as well as a strong coffee.
3. Take breaks
Don't stay glued to your laptop, make sure you take breaks to move around. You'll be surprised how much you get up and walk around when you're in an office to go speak with another colleague / get water from the cooler over the other side / head out for lunch / pop over to another department for a meeting etc. If anything, make sure your eyes are getting a rest from the computer and get some fresh air. So whether that's popping to your garden or taking your dog for a quick walk, do it! Oh & don't forget your lunch break (& maybe you can watch an episode of your fav TV show!)
4. Wear whatever you want
We know what you're all thinking... does this mean you can wear your PJ's to work?! Long gone are the days for us of daily wearing makeup and being suited and booted. (Take that uncomfortable bra off! haha.) Don't get us wrong, of course we have days when we get dressed up to film videos / take content/ attend meetings but majority of the time, we work in our comfy casual clothes from home. We always make sure to shower to feel nice and fresh for the day ahead. We don't recommend just waking up and sitting in your PJ's all day but you do you! If being more casual makes you feel unmotivated rather than comfortable, then figure out what makes you feel good to be productive when working from home. We like to be as comfy as possible but other roles may require you to feel as confident as possible. Of course don't forget those days you may be take a video call!
5. Stay hydrated
Make sure you're drinking water throughout the day. Motivational water bottles like these are good reminders to see how much you're drinking. We also filter our water with a brita filter to drink as well as to use in our kettle/ coffee machine. Don't forget to make yourself coffees and teas... you no longer need to ask who else needs one! (Unless of course you're WFH with your partner haha).
6. Snacks
The office can be a place where we're constantly tempted by cakes and sweet treats... and you most likely have a similar drawer or cupboard in your home. Make sure you stock up on some healthy snack foods (we often make smoothies), as well as food for lunch.
7. Stay organised
You most likely know how you like to keep organised but transitioning to a WFH environment can throw you off. We use a diary/ agenda/ calendar to keep on top of what we have going on for the week. We both also love having 'to-do' lists. We're planning on getting this super cute daily journal. Also it helps to stay organised in general - make sure your desk / work space is tidy. WFH of course has it's benefits, and if you're like us, you'll feel a lot better knowing that the dishwasher has been emptied and you've got washing on the go. Of course you're not getting paid to clean your house but think of all the coffee breaks you probably take at work! It'll help your productivity in the long run.
8. Pets and distractions
One of the best things about WFH is if you have pets, you get to be with them all day! ... Equally one of the bad things can be if you have pets, as they want your attention all day! (Ok this mainly applies to dogs... & of course we can't imagine what it's like when you have children!) We've found for us that it works well to have a bed next to Megan's desk for Nalo to sit in and eat her treat or have a little nap. Making sure they get a daily walk (even if it's a quick 10 minute one) will help, as well as toys and treats that take a while to eat.
We hope this helps and pop us a comment or DM if you want anymore tips.
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