Today marks our 7th Anniversary of our Civil Partnership! We can't believe how quickly time has flown by since this special day.
7 years ago we were enjoying a glass rosé Möet before making our way to say our vows to become Civil Partners! We hadn't even planned to get any official photo's, as we wanted to save it for the big wedding that we planned to have one day (little did we know that it would be in Palm Springs!) We're so glad that we decided last minute to ask our friend Matthew Payne to take our photo's, as we love looking back on this special day.
And Yes - we wore matching Ted Baker dresses and heels!
After we said our vows, we left triumphantly to the song "You Are The Best Thing" by Ray Lamontange. These lyrics still remain so true!
"Baby, we've come a long way, baby
You know, I hope and I pray that you believe me
When I say this love will never fade away
Oh because, you are the best thing
You are the best thing
You are the best thing
Ever happened to me"
Read our original blog posts about our Civil Partnership to find out more about our special day!