If you've been a follower of our blog for a while, you may be aware of my hand aka Handy posts, back in 2011 and 2013. Following on from these posts and wanting to be more brave and open about my disability, I have filmed a video about Handy... and uploaded it onto Youtube! Holy moses! I just decided to go for it! Once I had edited it I was still rather nervous to put it up online, but funnily enough I feel more nervous about those who know me seeing it, rather than those who do not know me in person. I uploaded it on Saturday and I'm so far very glad that I have done so, not only did it help just by talking about it all out loud but it also feels good to have it out there publicly, and not not feel that I have to hide and edit it out as much as I normally do.
If you're interested to find out more about my disability and how it has affected me, then please watch below. It's bit of a ramble but hey- I've never talked about it before so why not get it all out!
I've been overwhelmed by all the amazing, super lovely and positive responses. Just wow! I really didn't expect to receive so many (& so far no hate- yay!) I'm speechless really and I could never put into words how much it means to me, but for all of you who have commented/ tweeted/ emailed me anything nice about it- from the bottom of my heart (and Handys!) a sincere thank you, thank you, thank you!!